
List of Abbreviations - Latex

This is a short post about generating a list of abbreviations for your document with Latex. While there are many packages available for this, I'm going to use glossaries package. You can find the user mannual of glossaries package from here. Here is the basic example. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{report}...

Grad-CAM Implementation in pycaffe

You can find the code discussed in this post in this git repository. This post discusses how to implement Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) approach discussed in the paper Grad-CAM: Why did you say that? Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based...

Data Pre-Processing with R

In this post I hope to discuss how we can pre-process data using R language. I'm using R Studio for the data analysis. For this analysis I'm using freely available Ta-Feng Supermarket data set. You can download the data set here. A description about the data set can be found here. First...

Implementing a sever fail over feature

Suppose you have a client-server application and you want to automatically switch to a standby/backup server when the primary server is unavailable due to either failure or scheduled shut down. I present you how to achieve that by this post. We can have the primary and secondary urls in a configuration file and load them to a list at the beginning of the system. For the demonstration...

How to create a batch file to run a Java program?

I demonstrated how to create an .exe using maven in my previous post. Another way of distributing a software is by a run time which includes a batch file. What is a batch file?  A batch file is a type of script file which contains a series of instructions to be executed in turn....

How to create an exe for a java program using maven?

Usually a software is distributed as an executable file. Therefore as programmers we would need to create an .exe file for our programs. Through this post I will present you how to achieve it easily with Maven (a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects) . A windows executable can be created by using a combination of two maven plug-ins , Maven Shade plugin and launch4j...


"Please let me be myself....!" Have you ever heard your soul is yelling like this? After being fed up of pretending : presenting yourself as someone else to the world. Everyone of us has played this game, may be when you are with your crush, with your boss or with whom you want...